Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Alrighty then!

So, I put it out to the forum and I haven't had any answers yet, but on my own I seem to have broken through whatever was blocking me from doing my self-healing. It seemed to me like I had to shift my consciousness out of the pain-awareness and into my higher self awareness, my observer self, and then the energy started to flow. It was very good to feel the pain easing. Yay!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The dilemma of self-healing

When I am not consciously trying to heal myself, things just heal. In the course of healing others, without deliberation on my part. My cataracts dissolved on their own. My leg got stronger. It just happens on its own. But when I am injured, as now I am injured, it seems no effort on my own behalf makes a difference. Other healers have said they believe we healers should be able to heal ourselves. Yet it doesn't seem I can do it.

My arm continues to hurt. It's so painful so continuously that it has begun to affect my mood. It's getting on my nerves. The pain reminds me of the sciatica I used to have years ago in my leg. It is really difficult to endure, and it seems like everything I do just aggravates it more.

So I can't help but wonder if there is something I am doing wrong. And why is it so easy for me to heal others, but so difficult to help myself?

I will put it to the forum and see what others say.