Monday, May 3, 2010

Casting Out a Spirit

What a blast! Yesterday I casted out a spirit that was troubling a family, especially their 11 year old girl. It seems this ghost liked the girl's bedroom best of all places in the house.

They had tried the Catholic Church, smudging, crystals, prayers, just telling it to leave. Nothing worked.

The minute I walked in the house, I felt an uncomfortable fullness in the space, like a congestion. In the girl's bedroom it was oppressive. It made me woozy, sick at my stomach. It felt like a vice was squeezing my head. Pressure.

The ghost was afraid to go to the light. It was afraid that it was going to its judgment, and sure it was going to be condemned. I reassured it that there is no heaven or hell, and nothing bad was going to happen to it. Then we cast it out, using salt and crystals. And it left. Poof! Gone.

That was so much fun.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Dark Side

Embrace your dark side's point of view. Hear its insights, validate its feelings, assimilate all your darkness has to offer. 

Your dark side has its feet on the ground. It gives you your capacity for compassion. It allows you to forgive. It is your broken heart. Start by considering that we are all mirror images of each other. Don't allow yourself to deny it. No exceptions. Start by looking at yourself. Get real. No make up. No clothes to dress it up. Think about your cells, your bones, your blood, your waste. 

Only when we know that the seed of great evil lives in every one us equally, can we stop comparing so as to include and exclude, deny and admit, punish and praise. Then and only then do we really have a choice. Not between good and bad. or right and wrong. Not because we should or shouldn't. Just because we have a choice. We are not compelled. We are free.

What if I told you that doing evil is very rewarding? That it is thrilling? That it is fun? Do you still choose the path of kindness? What if I told you there is no hell? No heaven? What if I told you Karma is just a story somebody made up to control the masses? What if you could get away with anything? Everything? What would you do then? Would you still choose to give and not take? 

You are as capable of hatred as love, of judgment as of mercy. You are not one or the other. You are both. You have a choice in every moment. Never pretend it is not so. Be honest about the choices you make. When you embrace your dark side, you become whole. When you are whole, you will never judge another person. Nor will you ever see yourself as a victim. 

Feet On The Ground

Sometimes I am struck by the tendency of spiritual-minded people to get their heads in the clouds and forget that their feet are on the ground.

In fact this tendency irritates the shit out of me. I want to call myself Rose, The Reiki Bitch just to make a point. You can't deny yourself and remain authentic. An authentic human being is a complex mixture of animal and spiritual beings. To attempt to separate these dimensions is to deny your life.

It is our job to embrace our life. And our life is in this world, not apart from it.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A Good Morning For An Attunement

It's a good morning for an attunement. I woke up refreshed and alert, and my hands are alive with tingling energy. My attention is focused on giving an attunement, and the energy is building around this purpose. It feels good to be in full Reiki mode.


Monday, February 1, 2010


My friend David is dying. The brain cancer is again spreading and he has accepted that his walk is nearly at an end. David has been an inspiration to me, as I know he has been for many others. His book, "You Don't Have To Die When Your Doctor Says" (he didn't) is a great gift he has given to the rest of us, especially those who have received a terminal diagnosis. I am sad to lose David. His life has been a blessing.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wow it's been a long time since I posted here. I have to admit, the pain in my own body took my attention away from many things. It was also tiring. Repeatedly, my friends sent me distance healing, and the pain went away, only to come back the next day, or whenever I was foolish enough to use my arm again. Tendonitis is a slow healer, no doubt about it. But along the way these past couple of months, I've made some progress on dealing with arthritis.

The herbal supplement formulas are helpful. I've tried Inflameze from Mother's Cupboard Nutrition and EnFlammend. I think the EnFlammend is better. It's also possible to eat a less inflammatory diet - less meat, no junk! and lots of green foods and fruits. Also apple cider vinegar and a green food supplement, like chlorella seem to help. I also find that a supplement called CetylPure makes a difference. It lubricates the joints. I can tell the difference. Taking Flax Seed Oil in supplement form is also helping.

It sure feels good to be able to walk again! Arthritis is nasty.