The Dark Side
Embrace your dark side's point of view. Hear its insights, validate its feelings, assimilate all your darkness has to offer.
Your dark side has its feet on the ground. It gives you your capacity for compassion. It allows you to forgive. It is your broken heart. Start by considering that we are all mirror images of each other. Don't allow yourself to deny it. No exceptions. Start by looking at yourself. Get real. No make up. No clothes to dress it up. Think about your cells, your bones, your blood, your waste.
Only when we know that the seed of great evil lives in every one us equally, can we stop comparing so as to include and exclude, deny and admit, punish and praise. Then and only then do we really have a choice. Not between good and bad. or right and wrong. Not because we should or shouldn't. Just because we have a choice. We are not compelled. We are free.
What if I told you that doing evil is very rewarding? That it is thrilling? That it is fun? Do you still choose the path of kindness? What if I told you there is no hell? No heaven? What if I told you Karma is just a story somebody made up to control the masses? What if you could get away with anything? Everything? What would you do then? Would you still choose to give and not take?
You are as capable of hatred as love, of judgment as of mercy. You are not one or the other. You are both. You have a choice in every moment. Never pretend it is not so. Be honest about the choices you make. When you embrace your dark side, you become whole. When you are whole, you will never judge another person. Nor will you ever see yourself as a victim.
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