Monday, May 3, 2010

Casting Out a Spirit

What a blast! Yesterday I casted out a spirit that was troubling a family, especially their 11 year old girl. It seems this ghost liked the girl's bedroom best of all places in the house.

They had tried the Catholic Church, smudging, crystals, prayers, just telling it to leave. Nothing worked.

The minute I walked in the house, I felt an uncomfortable fullness in the space, like a congestion. In the girl's bedroom it was oppressive. It made me woozy, sick at my stomach. It felt like a vice was squeezing my head. Pressure.

The ghost was afraid to go to the light. It was afraid that it was going to its judgment, and sure it was going to be condemned. I reassured it that there is no heaven or hell, and nothing bad was going to happen to it. Then we cast it out, using salt and crystals. And it left. Poof! Gone.

That was so much fun.