But the point is, I'm back and happy to be here.
I've been redefining the mission of my ministry in this lifetime. It becomes clearer to me all the time. I am here to learn myself and then help others to maintain spiritual well-being during these difficult times.
I'm calling my ministry "Reiki-Be...Reiki-Do" since I'm a Reiki Master/Teacher in the Usui tradition. This name places the choice about being up front and the actions that it creates come naturally from the choice related to being.
Who we are being is always critical. Our beliefs and our thinking, and especially our stand and who we say we are for ourselves and for others and what we can be counted on for by others, these are powerful choices. And they are OUR choices. The present belongs to us.
It is a delusion to have it the other way, but most people do have it the other way, believing incorrectly that who they are, and who we get to be are the result of what we and others have done, and all of our past experiences. About all of which they have no choice. It can't be changed. It is what it is. Even typing these phrases brings my energy down. "It" happened and now this is my life - I hear such thinking and believing all the time. In fact, sometimes I do it myself. So depressing!
But not only does this kind of orientation in life make us miserable, these beliefs also conspire to keep us in darkness. To believe we are the product of our past is to live in a tunnel. I am holding the light at the end of the tunnel, and yes I will come in after you and lead you out.
We are an assembly of people committed to living at a higher level of consciousness, a level where all things are connected, where no material gain or loss, no status or lack of status, no illness or injury, no treasure beyond measure...I'm saying NOTHING in this earthly existence is of much importance when weighed against our spiritual mission and our spiritual well-being.
If we are guided by these Principles of Spiritual Well-Being, we will not lose our way in life. We are not here to descent to the level of animals, though sometimes they appear to behave better than we do. We have been seduced by these bodies and this planet. It is true our bodies, and our brains are part of our bodies, belong to this planet. But never forget that your spirit is immortal. You are just visiting. Like an exchange-student, you have learned the local customs and studied many aspects and invented many fabulous things. And made us quite comfortable on the whole, temporary as this arrangement may be, and however doomed to failure. But for now, it's working in our favor. So stop taking it so seriously and let's move on. We must turn our attention to the next level.
In our assembly, we practice many ways to access our higher selves, and we tell our stories and share our experiences and learnings. If you would like to join the Reiki-Be...Reiki-Do assembly, please send me an email at stillwalkn@gmail.com
In my approach to Reiki and in my healing philosophy I teach the Existentialist view that "existence precedes essence." In other words, there is not "be" until the "do." Our actions, habits, and behaviors (do) are what impart essence (be); if one looks at the Reiki principles in that light, it's not a matter of (re)connecting with your soul but in fact creating your own soul in accordance with your actions.