Friday, March 27, 2009


I was thinking as we drove over the pass that cynicism is its own reward. When you're cynical, nothing occurs for you that would dispute your view. All world views are like this: self-confirming. So I guess that is also true of believing in something greater than yourself, or believing in a higher power, or that life has purpose and meaning. If you believe it, it occurs that way. The bottom line for me has to be how I feel within the context of any given world view.

When I am in a cynical mindset, I have a pretty bad time. Very little happens that inspires me. Life seems flat, predictably so, and my energy wanes. In short, I get the blues. On the other hand, when I am in a spiritual mindset, I feel connected to a larger context. The horizon opens up, and I become inspired by myself and others. I have more energy and enthusiasm.

In short, the context is decisive.

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