Thursday, May 14, 2009

Book Offers Spiritual Openings

I just finished reading a great book. It's called "You Don't Have To Die When Your Doctor Says." It's written by David Elliott, a New Zealander who has been given a terminal diagnosis of cancer, but is living in the belief that nothing is inevitable, the future is unwritten and the statistical data on his condition is really all about the past, and doesn't necessarily apply to him.

This book should be required reading for anyone who has a life-threatening illness, certainly. But I think it should be recommended reading for everyone, and especially anyone who wants to grow spiritually. David builds his arguments around some basic beliefs, among them the belief that we are responsible for our own lives, that we create our reality. He is particularly interested in how our beliefs about ourselves can create health or illness, and the distinct possibility that belief is decisive in healing. I personally find this to be a very encouraging notion. There is no place for a victim mindset in David's concept of recovery. On the contrary, what is needed is to take responsibility for your own condition and your own healing.

The principles and ideas David explores are relevant for anyone who wants to have more power and freedom in their life. Even many healthy people live as though they haven't got a choice about many aspects of their lives. Whether you have a short time to live or many healthy years ahead of you, that is no way to live them.

Why wait until you are facing the likelihood of imminent death to discover your personal power? Read this book now, and enjoy living more for the rest of your life, however long that may be.

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